A The nature, source and purpose of management information
1. Accounting for management
2. Sources of data
3. Cost classification
4. Presenting information
B Data analysis and statistical techniques
1. Sampling methods
2. Analytical techniques in budgeting and forecasting
3. Summarising and analysing data
4. Spreadsheets
C Cost accounting techniques.
1. Accounting for material, labour and overheads
2. Absorption and marginal costing
3. Cost accounting methods
4. Alternative cost accounting principles
D Budgeting
1. Nature and purpose of budgeting
2. Budget preparation
3. Flexible budgets
4. Asset budgeting and investment appraisal
5. Budgetary control and reporting
6. Behavioural aspects of budgeting
E Standard costing
1 Standard costing system
2. Variance calculations and analysis
3. Reconciliation of budgeted and actual profit
F Performance measurement
1. Performance measurement - overview
2 Performance measurement - application
3 Cost reductions and value enhancement
4. Monitoring performance and reporting